Psychology Year 8 Course in Victorian Secondary Colleges

These freely available resources for this Course was awarded the inaugural Australian Psychological Society Psychology Education Interest Group Education Resource Prize in 2012.

Wanganui Park Secondary College since 2007 has offered psychology in Year 8 as a semester elective subject available to all students as part of its Vertical Modular Group (VMG). Psychology is the fourth popular subject in the final years of high school (VCE) in Victoria, Australia. Classified in the Science domain, it is additionally taught in many schools in Year 10 and sometimes in Year 9.

Previously named “Win Friends, Influence People”, this course “Changing thinking changing people” focusses on Social Psychology exploring the Scientific Method, CBT, Identity Formation & Attribution Theory, Normality & Schemas, contemporary forms of communicating & influencing others.

Here are links to: the student workbook for the Course; the Teacher’s Guide with suggested lesson plans for the semester course; how this course meets the VELS Standards; and a PPT Presentation I’ve delivered at a number of STAVCON sessions on the course.


Student Work samples

Many thanks to the students and their parents for letting me share their work with the world.

Video Introductions – “Tell me what I need to know about you to know you well?”

Audrey – at the start of the course
Audrey – at the end of the course
Lewis – at the start of the course
Lewis – at the end of the course

Life movie – Make a movie about who someone is (who is at least twice your age)

Nathan on his dad

A student’s view – “What I’ve personally got out of this course?”


Empowering life.